Ricky Tims' Rhapsody Quilts Digital Download
Ricky Tims –– Make One-of-a-Kind Contemporary Quilts With a Traditional Flair - Ricky Tims Shows You How!• Learn to design, choose fabrics, and make templates for these one-of-a-kind beauties•...
Patricia B. Campbell & Mimi Ayars ––
Pat uses exciting contemporary fabrics and glorious colors while maintaining the gracefulness and charm of this classic needlework style, also known as "crewel work." Presenting 28 unique appliqué designs, adapted from the Jacobean embroidery style, to embellish quilts, clothing, and home decor items. Enjoy these exquisite needlework designs of sweeping branches, graceful leaves, swirling vines, and exotic flowers. Includes 10 quilt projects and instructions for Pat's own appliqué method. The book offers help with choosing appropriate fabrics, as well as strategies for achieving beautiful color and contrast in appliqué work.
160p color PDF
ISBN: 978-1-57120-715-9
(eISBN: 978-1-57120-715-9)