Thoughts on Inspiration

Thoughts on Inspiration

Posted by Deirdre Quirk on Nov 8th 2018

Where do you get your inspiration? Today we're sharing some thoughts from C&T staff on where our little spark comes from. (Hint: Pinterest definitely plays a role.)

Tim: I think one of the best things about graphic design is that you can pull inspiration from anywhere. Websites, street signs, billboards, nature walks, and even naps on the beach. Everything around us is designed in one way or another; we just need the time and perspective to see these little gems, and the inspiration can become endless.

Amy: I am constantly inspired. By colors, motion. I have a terrible case of the "shiny thing syndrome;" if I see something interesting, I will stop what I am doing and head that way. I believe the only cure for STS is to stop at the closest craft store and buy something. I also love: Pinterest, Etsy, my coworkers, my friends, authors, doing photography, and driving in the car.

Jen: Pinterest is a favorite. Seeing what my friends are creating provides inspiration, and nature definitely inspires me—especially the beach. There's inspiration almost everywhere!

April: Inspiration for me is more about timing. I tend to seek inspiration when I'm looking to answer a specific question. In that case, I usually peek around Pinterest or various book outlets. These places can also be overwhelming to me, just browsing all the possibilities. I think getting away from a project helps me too. I let my mind wander (and possibly obsess) and seek out other life experiences. In that case, I hope inspiration finds me.

Debbie: Everywhere! I've created quilts and garments that jumped off from the shape of a piece of driftwood, or favorite colors, or the vehicle the recipient drives.

Amber: Pinterest, blogs, hand-me-down fabrics, old books from used book stores. Inspiration is everywhere!

Jennifer: I’m inspired by literature, music, nature (especially the ocean), random objects (from broken pottery to antique finds), and the human experience.

Gailen: For bag designs right now, it's my thirteen-year-old son, Jake. He has a great eye and sketched out a series of three different bag sizes within a group. Lots of pockets and really interesting handle details. I've promised to work with them next. For garment sewing, it would be my blog roll and what I see at the clothing boutiques at which I window shop. For quilts, knitting, and other crafts, I'm often inspired by the work of friends and Pinterest.

Ruthmary: Colors and patterns in my fabric stash inspire me, as do my frequent urban, rural, or oceanside walks. Often floor tiles or window displays with great splashes of colors and shapes get me imagining designs to apply in fabric.

Sarah: I am not much of a crafter, but I get inspiration from many different things: nature, my friends, the great things I see young kids accomplishing (Parkland teens, for example), many of my work colleagues and people who have talents that I wish I had.

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