How to Make Time for Your Craft

How to Make Time for Your Craft

Oct 18th 2023

It's hard to find time for your craft in the midst of a busy life. We've got the scoop on some creative tricks to carve out time for your sewing projects and blogging adventures. Let's unravel some tips from Heidi Staples, author of Sew Organized for the Busy Girl

1. Hit the reset button

Pull out your fabric or thread stash and look at what you have. Clean up the storage you have and make note of the best way to organize and store your stash while making room for new materials.

2. Go through everything

Organize your stash into these groups: keep, donate, trash. Keep what you know you'll use. Donate things that don't fit your creative style anymore. Throw away tattered or broken items. 

"I recommend using big black trash bags for the last two categories. It’s a little easier to let things go when you don’t have to see them again, and they’re already packed to go to their next destination." —Heidi Staples 

3. Choose a system

It doesn't matter what system it is as long as it works for you and your space. Set aside containers and drawers for your thread, fabric scraps, tools and notions, and other items.

"Grab a picnic utensil holder and fill it with a few books, sewing notions, and some fabric. This household item works well for corralling the tools you’re using most at the moment so that you don’t have everything laying out on the table—especially helpful if you have a tiny sewing space." —Heidi Staples

4. Stock your shelves

What are the basics you're using? Do you gravitate to a color, pattern, or type of fabric? If you see patterns in your creative style, stock up so you don't have to constantly go to the fabric store! Save time, gas, and money by buying in bulk when you can. Also, having these items readily available will help you be able to whip up a project quickly instead of waiting for supplies.

5. Hold regular fabric auditions

Do you love the start of a new project? The beginning stages of planning out your design and fabric are exciting. But sometimes it does take time to pick out the right type of fabric and pattern. Hold fabric auditions regularly. See what's in your stash and create various combinations so you're ready to tackle any project. 

"This gives me (a) great practice at putting together fabric combinations and (b) a resource file of possibilities for future projects. I use some of my auditioned fabrics immediately and some never. But when I’m in a hurry, I know where to find ideas that work. I store all my fabric audition photos in a special file on my computer, so I can pull them up whenever I’m looking for inspiration." —Heidi Staples

6. Surround yourself with inspiration

Keep a bulletin board or a Pinterest board for creative stimulation and inspiration! You can see what colors and fabrics you're drawn to and you can take creative risks. 

"Fill it with items that make you happy: swatches of your favorite fabrics, old postcards, photos of your latest vacation, pictures from magazines." —Heidi Staples


Heidi Staples spent ten years working in education before becoming a full-time mom. She sewed her first quilt in 2011 and was instantly hooked. Heidi lives in Southern California with her husband, three daughters, two parents, and three neurotic dogs.