Pet Portrait Embroidery Class Plan

Outlined Dog Portrait


From Pet Portrait Embroidery by Michelle Staub

Class Description

In this class you will be able to embroider an outlined dog portrait of your choosing from the book. No previous experience is needed, this class is beginner friendly! You will learn how to embroider a few stitches and how to create a minimalistic pet portrait. Depending on how quickly you stitch, you may finish your piece by the end of the class but if you don’t it’s simple to finish on your own. This class is easygoing and you will enjoy relaxing while creating something with your hands!


Suggested class size: 5-10 people.


Class Length
This class could be completed in two or three hours depending on class size and experience level. Projects might not be finished by the end but this simple pattern can easily be finished at home.


Class Supply List


  • Pre-printed patterns on fabric from author (can be purchased at or trace pattern out on your own for students before the class starts to save time (trace on Kona cotton and use two layers of fabric in students’ hoops)

  • DMC thread in color 310 (black) or black cotton Gütermann sewing thread

  • Small embroidery scissors (can share or give students their own as part of class cost)

  • 6” embroidery hoop

  • Pet Portrait Embroidery by Michelle Staub book

  • A size 9 or 10 John James needle or comparable needle.

You can have students bring these, supply them, or have them purchased from your own shop if you sell needlework supplies. Students may also select different colored embroidery floss to use from your shop as desired.

Classroom Preparation


Each student will need an embroidery hoop, fabric, and a needle. The thread and scissors can potentially be communal to cut down on costs.

To save time with pattern transfer you can have the students either purchase the pre-transferred pattern with the fabric from me, or you can choose your own fabric and transfer the pattern ahead of time. Be sure to provide students with elements from the above Classroom Supply list as necessary.


Class Agenda

  1. Hoop fabric with pattern and teach how to start and end threads as seen on page 15. Pattern can be found on page 135.

  2. Teach the portrait stitches on page 16 - backstitch, and split backstitch

  3. Follow the process as it’s laid out on page 22

  4. If time allows, teach students how to back the finished hoop before they leave the class so they can do it at home. Reference page 131 for guide.