National Embroidery Month- Blanket Stitches

National Embroidery Month- Blanket Stitches

Feb 26th 2020

Happy National Embroidery Month! During the month of February, we will be bringing you embroidery tutorials each week.

The content below is from Embroidery Stitching Handy Pocket Guide by Christen Brown-- learn how stitch a blanket stitch! Plus, scroll to the bottom of the post to enter our giveaway for a chance to win a free eBook copy. 

Blanket Stitch

1. Come up at A. *In one motion, go down at B and up at C. Loop the working thread under the tip of the needle. Pull the needle through the fabric.

2. To finish the row, repeat from *. To end the stitch, go down at D.

Blanket Stitch Short-Long-Short

Follow the steps of the blanket stitch (above). Work a group of stitches with their tips altered from short to long to short. Leave a space between groups.

Blanket Stitch Closed

1. Follow Step 1 of the blanket stitch (page 35), *with the stitch angled right to left.

2. Work a second stitch, going down at B and up at D, with the stitch angled left to right.

3. To finish the row, repeat from *. To end the stitch, go down at E a short distance from D.

Giveaway now closed. 


Order Embroidery Stitching Handy Pocket Guide

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