A Quilter’s Adventures with Moving

A Quilter’s Adventures with Moving

Posted by Jen Lopez on Nov 11th 2020

I recently “moved house”, as my cool British friend would say. At the time, I thought nothing could be worse than putting ALL of my quilting stuff into boxes, then schlepping it only six miles across town. It turns out, there was something worse: trying to find all my stuff after the move. Although I prolifically labeled all the boxes, I still can’t find anything. I have opened all the boxes more than once looking for “something”. Here is what else I learned while unpacking:

  • I have far, far less quilting stuff than I thought. When I filled up an entire 10’x10’ storage unit before I even got to the furniture, I thought “Wow, I must have a lot of quilting stuff”. It turns out, while unpacking I discovered I only have eight small “banker box” sized containers of fabric. I’m sure that any quilter will attest, that is not a lot. I guess I must have a lot of other useless junk. More on that some other time.
  • I now have a lot of empty crates and missing WIPs. You know those fabric crates that are so handy for putting half-finished projects in then sticking them on a shelf? Well, somehow, when you unpack, you end up with a lot of “extra” crates. I’m still not sure where all my unfinished “Works in Progress” went.
  • Things will turn up in the strangest places. I earnestly tried to “pack smart” by putting things that went together in the same containers – makes sense, right? So you can imagine my surprise when the “box of electronics and cables” didn’t have any TV remotes in it. Not a one. Somehow they turned up in a box of colored pencils (yes, pencils)… but only after I accidentally spilled that box all over the floor, thus revealing the hidden remotes.

If I ever move again, which I surely hope I will not, I will hand-carry all the remotes and all my fabric scissors in my purse.

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