Slice and Piece the Just a Square Quilt

Slice and Piece the Just a Square Quilt

Posted by Deirdre Quirk on Mar 25th 2019

Add some interest to your quilt with Barbara Cline's easy technique, share in Magic Add-a-Strip Quilts and this free project! 

FINISHED BLOCK: 5 ̋ × 5 ̋ • FINISHED QUILT: 40 ̋ × 50 ̋

This is a great project for scraps. When I chose the fabrics for this quilt I went to my scrap box that had precut 5½̋ × 5½̋ squares. From this box I chose the red and blue squares that had roughly the same values. The squares in this project have two diagonal corners sliced off and the 1̋ strip is sewn into these slices. The color placement alternates red and blue squares. My sister’s version of this quilt (below) places the colors in larger groups.

Download the free project HERE