Rarely Seen Pre-Civil War Textiles from the Poos Collection

Rarely Seen Pre-Civil War Textiles from the Poos Collection

Posted by Lori Lee Triplett and Kay Triplett on Sep 9th 2019

My sister, Kay, began collecting quilts when she was in elementary school. I jokingly say that she never met a quilt she didn’t like. However, that doesn’t accurately describe her connoisseur’s ability to purchase quilts and create a preeminent collection, nor does it fully explain when the group of textiles became the Poos Collection. The road to a collection such as this is not without speed bumps. The process requires seven effective C’s.

Creation of a collection . . .

Calculating and budgeting . . .

Caring for the collection . . .

Curation, or managing and organizing . . .

Calibrating, or fine-tuning the collection over time . . .

Culling, or deaccession . . .

Conversion, or transition of the collection . . .

—Lori Lee Triplett

Come explore this collection of quilts and textiles: Album, Wool, Birds of a Feather, Star Struck, Paper-Pieced, Red and Green, Chintz, and White Wholecloth.

Baltimore Album Quilt with Rose Border, American, 1848, 100 ̋ × 99 ̋

Vevay Settlement Table Cover, American, c. 1820, 5 ́ (circumference)

Menagerie Coffin Cover, English, c. 1860, 32 ̋ × 38 ̋


Starburst Garden Quilt, American, c. 1837, 92 ̋ × 94 ̋ 

Hexagon Diamonds Quilt, American, c. 1850, 103 ̋ × 114 1/2 ̋ 

Margret Kramer Crossed Tulip Quilt, American, 1847, 86 ̋ × 101 ̋ 

Birds in Bushes Mezzaro Wholecloth Quilt, American, 1825–1850, 101 ̋ × 112 ̋ 

M.B. Cherubs Courtepointe de Mariage, French, c. 1850, 68 ̋ × 75 ̋ 

Order Hidden Treasures: Quilts From 1600 to 1800 here!

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