How to Share a Creative Space

How to Share a Creative Space

Dec 8th 2021


It would be ideal if everyone had their own dedicated creative space for quilting, model railroading or whatever your hobby may be, but you most likely don’t have the luxury of that much available space. How can you share your space with someone else and still be at your most productive without wanting to kill them in the process? Consider these helpful suggestions:

  • Your own desk/bench/table – No matter how small the space, you each need to have your own desk, bench or table even if that means sawing an existing table in half. Think back to kindergarten: no matter how much you like someone, sharing your desk with them will quickly become rage-inducing.
  • Everyone picks a side – Now that you each have your own desk, put them as far away from each other as your room allows. This way, there can be no “overflow” from one person desk to the other. Its bad enough that you are neat and they are messy, the last thing you want is their stuff spilling over into your space.
  • Agree on “quiet time” – Working together can be fun because you have someone to talk to and bounce ideas off of, but sometimes you just want peace and quiet. Agree on some “no talking hours” so you can really concentrate.
  • Resist the urge – No matter how annoying it is that your partner’s desk is a pigsty and you don’t know how they get any work done like that, understand that is their way and don’t criticize. Let them be messy, let them have their process. Stick to your own knitting.
  • Have your own tools – Even though it would make sense to share common tools such as scissors, knives, tape, etc., for the cheap stuff it’s better to have two of everything. This way there is no competing for resources and no frustration from trying to find things when you desperately need them on your partner’s desk.
  • Get out now and then – Working together all the time can be stressful. Take some time on a regular basis to get up and out of the house. Go for a walk, go get a coffee… just do something to get away from your workspace. You will return with a fresh new vigor to tackle the next task anew.

Someday you may have that full garage all to yourself but for now with these simple tips you can share the same space productively and harmoniously. Happy creating!

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