Journey to Piecing Makeover

Journey to Piecing Makeover

Posted by Patty Murphy on Sep 7th 2016

My journey to write  Piecing Makeover began many years ago, well before I even knew I would take it. My path is littered with failed projects, bumps, bulges, puckers on a quilt back, fabric that didn't work, wrong cuts, chopped points, wavy borders, lots of trial and error, and frustration. Despite the problems I encountered, the pure enjoyment of sewing and making quilts, making anything, the love of the art, having fabric in my hand, an idea in my head, and my sewing machine nearby always kept me going.

As my skills and knowledge increased, so did the quality of my work. As I worked through problems, I began to ask myself why a book explaining why errors were made and how to fix them hadn't been created. When I began quilting I didn't have the time or money to take classes but would have done almost anything to have a book like I've written. Full of all the stuff I tell new quilters and students of mine and hear them saying in response, "Wow! Why doesn't anyone just say that?"

So that's what I created. A book full of tips and tricks to make your work a little better. What I show you is what works for me. My tricks might not work for you. That's okay. Figure out what does and make it your own.

Happy quilting! 

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