Beautiful Baltimore

Beautiful Baltimore

Posted by Roxane Cerda on Jun 26th 2015

Rita Verroca’s take on Baltimore album quilts in the Baltimore Album of Roses does an amazing job of both honoring the history of the craft and making it relevant to today’s quilter. She has an amazing sense of color, and her ability to truly play with value gives a luminosity to her work that makes her flowers seem alive. 

Rita was infinitely patient while she and I worked together to evolve her proposal from replicating a single quilt to a volume instructing others on her approach to Baltimore. Rita’s quilts don’t just replicate original blocks and quilts but take inspiration from the time and offer up brand new projects.
If you’ve ever wanted to give Baltimore album quilts a spin, let Rita share her how-to and know that you’ll get some great projects thrown in for fun. You can order her book on our website  here

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